Calcium Hypophosphite Monohydrate

Chemical formula:

Ca(カジノ ジャック ポットPO4)2·カジノ ジャック ポットO

Molecular weight:


Standard executed:



Effective content of P2O5 are 12%、14% and 16%. Gray powder or granular.


It supplies phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and other elements to plants and improves alkaline soil.It can be used as foliage spray and foliar spray.when used with nitrogen, カジノ ジャック ポット nitrogen fixation and reduces nitrogen losses. カジノ ジャック ポット the plant to grow, such as to germinate, to take root and branch, strong and mature, aslo can be used as raw materials for producing compound fertilizer.

Packaging and storage:

Pack in 25kg, 40kg, 50 kg plastic woven bag.