Chemical formula: | (CH3)2SO2 |
Molecular weight: | 94.13 |
Standard executed: | HG/T 5619-2019 |
Properties: | White crystalline powder in appearance. Easily soluble in water, alcohol, ether benzene, methanol 必勝 カジノ オンラインcetone, slightly soluble in ether. |
Usage: | Can be used as a high temperature solvent and raw material in organic synthesis. Also used as a chromatography fix liquid, 必勝 カジノ オンラインn analysis reagent in health foods and drugs. When applied as organic sulfur nourishment, it can help in the growth and health of skin, hair, nail, tendons, bones and organs, which has earned the title of a “natural beautification carbon material”. |
Packaging and storage: | 必勝 カジノ オンラインg carton,必勝 カジノ オンラインg/50lb kraft paper bag, 1000 kg jumbo bag. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from toxic and hazardous chemicals. |